Men's Attitudes That Women Dislike Most, What Are?
Illustration (Disruptivo/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - No matter how perfect your partner is, there are bound to be some that we don't like. Because, it makes uncomfortable in the relationship. Not only women, there are also some men's attitudes that women hate the most.

This hated attitude can make women even uncomfortable and shy away from the man. However, what are the hated traits? Let's find out more, launch the HerWorld page, January 12.

Too Dirty

Of course, anyone doesn't like dirty men. Disorganized appearance, never brushing teeth or rarely washing clothes, especially if you have an unpleasant body odor.

The women out there prefer well-groomed men. At least they must be fragrant and clean and good in appearance. This will make many women feel at home, especially if coupled with a pleasant personality.

Very lazy

Being lazy is a natural thing experienced by everyone, but that doesn't mean we have to be lazy all the time. As men, of course, this feeling of laziness must be reduced because they have to work hard and be responsible.

Then what happens if you meet a man who is lazy in many ways? Surely this will make women feel uncomfortable and reluctant to be close to the man.

Too restrained

Women really like it when the man is possessive, but still within reasonable limits, as a form of their concern for their partner. However, if there are men who are too possessive and tend to restrain themselves, then this is an attitude that women hate the most.

Say you need permission to go anywhere, you can't be friends with this and that, some even install spying apps and so on to keep an eye on their partner. This tends to be scary and totally uncomfortable.

Actually there are so many attitudes of men that women hate the most. However, the three things above seem to occupy the most basic order in a relationship.

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