JAKARTA - Actress Anya Geraldine has become a conversation on social media after writing the latest tweet on her Twitter account. She feels even more afraid of getting married because of the television series Kites Break.
"God forbid if you have a rich husband, Mas Aris. The older you get, the more afraid you are to get married," said Anya Geraldine on Saturday, December 25.
God forbid if you have a husband like Mas Aris. The older you get, the more afraid you are of getting married.
— Anya Geraldine (@anyasealallah) December 25, 2021
Aris, called Anya, refers to the character Aris played by Reza Rahadian in the series Layangan Putus. It is said that Aris, who lives in harmony with Kinan (Putri Marino), changes drastically because he has an affair.
Aris' mistress is Lydia, the character played by Anya Geraldine. Throughout the story, Aris often lied to Kinan to meet Lydia.
Anya also wrote a new tweet that read, "The scariest level in a relationship is when someone who cheats on you has been caught and even continues." Netizens suspect the tweet was written after a new episode of Layangan Putus was released.
The crowd became the month of Warganet. On the one hand, they were annoyed with Anya Geraldine as Lydia, but on the other hand, many praised Anya's growing acting.
Monday, December 27, Anya uploaded her latest photo on Twitter. He also added a tweet about the role he played. "Lydia is just an ordinary person, take a vacation first, guys," said Anya Geraldine. A few hours later, Anya uploaded a photo with Reza Rahadian.
"Aris and Lydia's vacation. Where are you?" said Anya. As a result, the photo began to receive comments from the audience of Kites Disconnect.
The Layangan Putus series can be watched every Friday and Saturday via the WeTV Indonesia streaming service.
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