Faisal Allows Doddy Sudrajat For DNA Test Gala: 1,000 Percent Of Bibi And Vanessa Angel's Children
Vanessa Angel (Photo: IG @vanessaangelofficial)

JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat doubts that Gala Sky is the son of Aunt Ardiansyah and Vanessa Angel. Doddy challenged and asked Haji Faisal to do a DNA test on Gala to prove if Gala was really the child of Aunt Andriansyah.

Hearing the challenge, Haji Faisal looked angry and didn't accept it, he judged that his besan thought was crazy.

When asked again, Faisal didn't want to talk about it anymore. According to him, Gala is the final child of Bibi, her biological grandson.

"For me, it's my grandson, Febi's son. 1,000 percent does not have a DNA test," said Faisal when met in Jakarta, Thursday, December 23.

If Doddy insists, Faisal admits that he will not give permission. "I will never allow it, what's the reason? What's the point? The letters are there. For me it's final. My grandson's gala," said Vanessa Angel's mother-in-law.

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