JAKARTA – Romance is no longer a romantic relationship, which is often the complaint of many couples. Actually, this problem is common and triggered by many factors, such as busyness. However, this issue needs to be resolved by both of them so that the relationship remains warm.

As long as both parties seek each other out, the relationship is highly defensible. But must remember that the goal is to refresh the relationship and not blame each other. Before the romance gets 'cold', you can do the following tricks to build a romantic relationship again.

1. Schedule a private talk

So as not to be disturbed by other things, schedule spending time alone with your partner. In the moment alone, talk about what the relationship needs, desires, dreams, and a vision for the future that can be achieved together.

Also talk about your feelings with your partner about the relationship. Because according to studies failed communication can potentially destroy a relationship 65 percent, so find the right moment and wise language to communicate your feelings.

2. Go on a date

Spending time alone not only unlocks the potential for better communication. But it also makes you and your partner more intimate. Slip something sexy together and try to understand your partner's perspective on things that change in the relationship. This method can help so that the relationship is not bland or monotonous.

3. Bring back memories

Do you still remember the most romantic place ever spent alone with your partner? Then try to go back down it with a partner. If you don't have time to go to that destination, take a look at the photos of sweet memories together. Share a laugh when you look back at the memorable photos together. This can make both of you remember the reasons why you fell in love with each other.

4. Distant with busyness

Busyness makes romantic relationships less of a priority. Even so, as long as you and your partner understand each other and agree to find a solution, it can be easily resolved. For example, by agreeing on a certain day away from busyness and spending time alone.

5. Watch romantic movies

Romance is no longer romantic, one of the triggering factors is the lack of time together. If you and your partner experience it, then prioritize time together by enjoying the little things. Like watching a romantic movie or cooking together at home during the holidays.

From spending time together, you and your partner can have more opportunities to give each other attention and sweet words. It's easy, right, to make the two of you romantic again?

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