According To A Study, A Long And Happy Marriage Is The Key To One: Trust
Illustration of a study on trust in marriage (Unsplash/Toa Heftiba)

JAKARTA – There are so many recommendations for ways to maintain a lasting and happy marriage. But according to a number of studies, the key is only one, namely trust.

Just as building a large and successful business is profitable, marriage also requires a mutual sense of trust. Decreased trust can make a partner feel insecure and always on guard. But when trust is built firmly like an earthquake-resistant building, doubt will disappear.

Trust or trust, according to researchers who have more than 50 years of observing and coding couple interactions, John Gottman of the University of Washington, found that successful relationships are related to building trust.

Trust, as reported by Psychology Today, Friday, December 17, is the essence of a healthy partnership. Repairing it if it weakens is a must. Many studies support the statement 'trust is the key to a long and happy relationship'. Trust is also one of the qualities to look for in a partner and most relationships will not survive without trust.

In one of his projects, Jason Whiting, Ph.D., a professor at Brigham Young University and a licensed marriage and family therapist, interviews women who live in cities and on low incomes. They value trust and loyalty above all else. Because they did not find these two aspects in their love relationship, they chose not to marry. Apart from that some have had bad experiences of being hurt in the past.

For Whiting's female respondents, trust is highly valued. According to Whiting, being unsure of your partner can risk hurting your brain and actually being on alert all the time.

Another study conducted by Sue Johnson, she examined the link between partners and change. From his studies he concluded that the need for safe relationships is related to biological conditions. Just like babies who depend on their caregivers to meet their needs. Adults still want someone to think of themselves as important.

Johnson adds, this is why people react so dramatically when their partners let them down. His advice, instead of backing down, is to try to be calm and empathetic as this can help strengthen trust.

Whiting adds, even when a couple isn't feeling in love, they need to know that their relationship is safe and honest. Perhaps in a relationship it is impossible that there are no quarrels. But fighting will not use up much energy and be stressful when your partner has an essential foundation in the relationship, namely mutual trust.

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