JAKARTA - Shallots are one of the most commonly used spice plants in Indonesia for cooking. The high demand for shallots causes the price to soar at certain times. Instead of relying on volatile prices in the market, why not find out how to grow your own shallots? Come on, take advantage of the vacant land in the yard of the house while looking at how to grow your own shallots, which VOI summarized from the Almanac page, Friday, December 10.

Prepare the onion

The first way to plant shallots is to prepare shallots that have been stored for approximately 2 to 3 months. These shallots will later become seeds for planting. Then, split the bottom into two parts, cut off the top and use only the bottom.

Provide polybags and planting media

Prepare a polybag measuring 25 cm for two pieces of red onion. You can replace polybags with plastic containers or used bottles of similar size. In addition, provide the planting media needed are soil, husks, manure, and wood charcoal. The comparison is, 2:1:1:1. Finally, flush the polybag and planting media until evenly distributed and wet. Insert the red bottom in the middle of the planting medium.


After everything is ready, let the onion sit and then water again eight days later when the shoots start to appear with about 240 ml of water. The next day, give a little water regularly. The roots of the onion plant will easily rot if there is too much water. Don't forget to put the shallots in the open to get sunlight, in order to enhance the growth of the red plants.


At the age of 15 days, apply fertilizer to the onion plants such as compost and NPK. The goal is for your onions to thrive. One tablespoon of NPK fertilizer is mixed with 3 liters of water. Then, just take 120 ml of the mixture for one polybag of shallots.

If you prefer to use compost, simply sprinkle a handful and water lightly. Do this method of planting onions when the onions are 30 and 45 days old.

Move container

The longer the age of the onion, the greater the age of the sprouts and roots. Polybags no longer reach the growth of shallot plants. For that, move the onion to a larger container so that the roots can spread freely and grow healthy.

Pay attention to the planting medium too. Replace the planting medium with a new one if needed. Get rid of weeds that are present to interfere with the growth of the red underside.

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