Apart From Water, These Are 5 Healthy Drinks That Are Safe For Diabetics To Drink
Illustration of Safe Drinks for Diabetics (LaƄrk Boshoff/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Not only avoiding certain types of food, diabetics are also advised not to consume drinks carelessly. Even so, diabetics can still consume several types of drinks like healthy people in general.

The difference is, the dosage of ingredients must be adjusted to people with diabetes so that blood sugar in the body does not increase. Here are five good drinks for diabetics that VOI has summarized from the HerStory page, Thursday, December 9.

Green tea
Matcha & CO/Unsplash

Green tea is a safe drink for diabetics because it can help reduce blood pressure and lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. If you drink green tea up to 1.42 liters or 6 cups per day, it can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Coffee drinks are also safe for diabetics to consume. As long as the coffee consumed is black coffee without added sugar or creamer. The addition of creamer and sugar can cause calories to increase so that blood sugar levels can rise instantly.

Fruit juice

Fruit juices made from 100 percent pure fruit are safe for diabetics to consume. Diabetics can drink as much as 113-117 grams of fruit juice per one serving. Well, this fruit juice can be drunk at any time as long as the amount does not exceed the daily carbohydrates, yes.

Vegetable juice
Yulia Khlebnikova/Unsplash

Maybe vegetable juice is still something that not many people know. Vegetable juice is thought to be better than fruit juice. This is because the average fruit juice contains sugar which can be dangerous for diabetics.

Well, try making vegetable juice by mixing green leafy vegetables, celery, or cucumber with a handful of berries for vitamins and minerals.

Coconut water

Next is coconut water. This drink is safe for diabetics because it contains very low calories. In addition, kepa water also contains potassium, amino acids, and B vitamins.

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