JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from Ustaz Zacky Mirza. He shared the latest news where he had a car accident in Bireuen, Aceh.

Sunday, December 5, Ustaz Zacky uploaded a video after his car crash. Glass shards were scattered everywhere but he explained his condition was fine.

"It's safe," said Ustaz Zacky confidently. He also explained that calamities can come anytime and anywhere, the important thing is that God always accompanies his missionary journey.

"Disasters can happen anywhere and anytime, May Allah always protect and bless our struggle, Yaa Robbana," wrote Ustaz Zacky Mirza.

He continued, he also wrote "DAKWAH MUST GO ON. Thank you Wat Papah (Father H. Abdullah SM) & Mamah @yani.komarayani for accompanying da'wah trips all the way to the ends of Indonesia."

When contacted by VOI, Ustaz Zacky admitted that he could not explain the complete chronology and was still resting.

"Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. If it's relaxed, I'll respond, God willing. Sorry to be born and inner heart in advance. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb," he answered shortly.

A few hours after arriving in Aceh, Ustaz Zacky Mirza had an accident that damaged the car he was driving. Monitoring his social media, currently Zacky Mirza continues his journey to Pekanbaru before heading to Medan.

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