JAKARTA – Both busy with work may be an obstacle to the happiness of a romantic relationship. However, if the two are mutually supportive and reliable, there is a positive influence in the relationship.
Researchers from the University of Washington, reported by Psychology Today, Friday, December 3, found that being married to a conscientious, organized, and reliable partner predicts future job satisfaction and higher earnings.
Another study conducted by Wilhelm Hofmann at the University of Cologne in Germany showed that high relationship satisfaction positively affects feelings of control over goal pursuit. Hoffmann says, a stable and happy relationship makes it easier for couples to focus.
This 'beneficial' phenomenon in psychology is known as the Michaelangelo phenomenon, where everyday experience shows that romantic relationships can either encourage or hinder a person's progress.
According to Judith Sills, a clinical psychologist in Philadelphia notes that we are greatly influenced by the people around us. Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, a professor at the University of Haifa and author of The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time, says that our partner's beliefs and attitudes toward us can lead us to be more close to the person we want to be.
According to Ben-Ze'ev, we can be the 'ideal' person or get something we want. It depicts the phenomenon of Micelangelo, who in the process of sculpting him creates ideal forms and releases the hidden side of his medium, marble.
So how does it affect your life when you have a reliable partner? Here's the list.
1. Help achieve goalsBy acknowledging and accepting each other's help, according to research by psychologist Edward Orehek of the University of Pittsburgh, couples will feel more satisfied with their relationship. For example, when you are busy and have a busy schedule, there is a partner who reminds you and makes healthy meals. This means that you need to acknowledge your partner's attention and accept it as a help to achieve your goals.
2. Makes you more confidentSometimes, other aspects of yourself are still not honed because you don't feel confident or get the right support. When you have a partner you can rely on, he or she will encourage you to be who you are and maybe even more accomplished.
3. Get to know prioritiesNot having priorities makes you forget time or pay minimal attention to your partner. When you have a conscientious and organized partner, he will remind you what is a priority and what is not.
4. Emotions are more balancedPsychologist at the University of London, Madoka Kumashiro, says that in a good relationship partners can balance each other's temperament. For workaholics, they may choose to finish their reports on the weekends. Having a more relaxed partner can ensure that the weekend is a time to rest and enjoy time together.
5. Feeling more valuableStill about hidden skills, according to Orehek, good relationships make us learn to give what our partners need and learn to appreciate what our partners give us. You and your partner will feel more valuable because of the 'profitable' relationship.
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