JAKARTA - Christmas Day is just around the corner. Residents abroad, usually start busy hunting fir trees to be used as ornaments at Christmas. However, in Indonesia, most people prefer to use fake fir trees made of plastic to be used as Christmas trees. Economics is the main reason because artificial fir trees can be used for a long time.

Spruce trees in Indonesia are more often planted to bring coolness. In addition to the peaks and on the coast, you can also bring this plant in your yard.

But before that, you must first know the types of cypress trees in order to determine which type is suitable for planting in the home environment.

Blue sinensis fir tree

The blue sinensis spruce is often known as the blue silver fir because its leaves are silver in color. You can find this type of fir tree in the form of a dwarf or bonsai. The first seeds of the blue sinensis spruce came from the Himalayas and the mountains of Central Asia. Because it has unique leaves, it's no wonder that Blue Sinensis cypress is loved by many people.

kinoki fir tree

The kinoki fir tree has a smaller leaf shape. Because of its small size, this tree is often dubbed the bonsai pine tree. Kinoki spruce does not grow towering upwards like other types of fir, but it grows sideways. If you have a mini garden, the kinoki spruce is perfect for you.

Shrimp pine tree

Shrimp spruce is one of the original spruce species from local seeds. The characteristic of this evergreen tree is that it has needle-like sharp leaves, large trunks, and rough, black bark. Well, because the shape of this pine tree is bent or stooped, it is called the shrimp pine tree which is often found on the coast.

Fragrant fir tree

Rentes or fragrant fir trees have a distinctive fresh aroma when blown by a breezy wind. This type of fir is most often used as a Christmas tree because of its tapered shape. Thriving in highlands and lowlands, you can start breeding this fir tree from seeds planted in pots. The height of this fir tree can reach a maximum of 10 meters.

Wind fir tree

With thin and soft leaves, it is not surprising that this fir tree is named Wind. This type of fir tree has a high adaptability and can live in various types of plains, including in tropical areas such as Indonesia. Consciously or not, you must often see the type of pine tree in public spaces as decoration.

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