JAKARTA - Grandpa Doddy Sudrajat and Faisal both want to get custody of Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah's son. The polemic over the custody of Gala Sky Ardiansyah has made the Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency, Kak Seto, concerned.

According to Kak Seto, a child who no longer has parents should be cared for by the closest family to the child.

"Indeed, it is best for children to be raised in the family, of course the first is the closest family. Is it grandpa, grandma, maybe there are uncles, aunts, and so on. So stay in the family," said Kak Seto when met at Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, Thursday, 25 November.

"It means how close enough has been, of course sending a child psychologist, a developmental psychologist who can understand the situation the child is currently in. That needs to be investigated more deeply. Whatever it takes, please do whatever is in the best interests of the child, not for the two families. In the meantime, I apologize if we fight each other for child custody," added Kak Seto.

Kak Seto emphasized that the Indonesian Child Protection Agency would monitor the development of the Gala. If needed, he did not hesitate to step in to accompany Vanessa Angel's son.

"So we will intervene to handle the case. So don't let Gala's sister, who has lost both her parents, be under pressure or a conflict situation," said Kak Seto.

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