JAKARTA - For some people, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought drastic changes to their schedules, habits and activities, including the way they shower. There are some people who, since staying at home most of the time, take far fewer showers without social pressure, while others shower more often because they finally have time or want to maximize the mental health benefits of bathing.

In the midst of stressful and uncertain situations, bathing is no longer just an activity that is beneficial for health, but also a self-care routine that can calm you down, especially when you really take the time and do different ways that make it special.

Here's how to make your bathing routine more relaxing.

Changing lighting

Warm colored lighting, especially at night, will promote relaxation and help calm the mind. Whether you're taking a shower before bed or just need a shower in the morning to refresh your body and mind, turn on the light that emits a soft dim light. Try changing the lighting in the bathroom will make the bath atmosphere more relaxing.

Change the shower curtain

Bathroom curtains are usually used to cover bathroom areas such as showers or bath tubs. This curtain is used so that the water used for bathing does not wet the floor outside the area. Not only functional, bathroom curtains can also be a decorative accent that enhances the nuances of your mood. Choose a favorite motif or color that gives a calming effect and makes the bathing atmosphere more comfortable.

Light an aromatherapy candle

Beautiful and fragrant candles are a true luxury. In a bathroom setting, aromatherapy candles not only offer an aroma that makes you feel more relaxed, but also provide a different atmosphere of light. Choose a fragrance that can reduce stress levels, such as the scent of Lavender flowers which can relieve tense nerves, overcome feelings of stress, confusion, anxiety, fatigue and others. Lavender scent is perfect for those of you who have experienced fatigue after a long day of activities. Meanwhile, the aroma of Bergamot that comes from citrus fruit peels will relieve tension on the nerves, make the body more relaxed, and help to clear the mind.

Use a moisturizer

After showering, apply a moisturizing lotion with your favorite scent. Not only dealing with dry skin, using a body moisturizing lotion can be a body care routine that helps relax you and restore your mood because you provide time to take care of yourself after a tired day of activities and obligations.

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