JAKARTA - Not felt, 2019 will end in a matter of days. Many things happened throughout 2019 that cannot be forgotten. Various new trends have also emerged, one of which is the trend in culinary. Social media is also one of the factors why a food or drink is a trend.
People who use social media will usually post culinary delights that are considered unique and aesthetically pleasing. When other people see the upload, they will be interested in trying it. VOI summarizes culinary hits throughout 2019, Monday, December 23 2019.

Boba is a snack that is usually used as a topping in drinks that are loved by young people. Its chewy taste provides its own sensation for those who eat it. Because of the popularity of boba, now it is not only made as an addition to drinks, but also added to food. The most extreme, there is a boba menu added to boiled noodles plus mustard greens and eggs.
Boba itself is a typical Taiwanese snack that has been around for 20 years. Boba is actually a traditional 'Fen yuan' dessert, which is a pudding made from tapioca and usually served with iced sugar water.
In a cultural shift, the Taiwanese then added the boba to iced tea as a flavor enhancer. Because the sweet taste is suitable for all circles, finally boba tea is very popular in Taiwan and is known as Bubble tea. One of the most popular boba menus in Indonesia is brown sugar boba.
All-cheese menu

Whatever the cheese variant, it must have its respective lovers. One cheese variant that is in demand by many people is mozzarella cheese. Mozzarella cheese can be melted and added to various types of food, one of which is spaghetti.
But now it's not just limited to western or European food, traditional Indonesian food can also be mixed with melted mozzarella cheese. One of Indonesia's favorite menus that can be mixed with melted mozzarella is ayam geprek. The combination of the spicy geprek chicken chili sauce and the salty cheese makes this menu a popular one.
Not only food, cheese can also be mixed with drinks. One of the drinks mixed with cheese is cheese tea. The cheese used in cheese tea drinks is a cheese foam made from cream cheese mixed with sweetened condensed milk. The distinctive savory cheese and fresh tea have a fresh blend of flavors.
Iced coffee with milk

Who doesn't love iced coffee with milk? This caffeine-containing drink is suitable for urbanites who are chasing deadlines to stay fresh. Actually, iced milk coffee is not a new type of drink that has emerged this year. But the sheer number of coffee shops open throughout 2019 makes even non-coffee lovers give it a try. This is because the taste of iced milk is light and sweet, not as bitter as americano or espresso.
Not only eliminating drowsiness, iced coffee milk is also an arena for taste experimentation. Each coffee shop has its own unique iced coffee milk, so coffee lovers can find their own favorite coffee from various shops. In addition, the flavors of iced milk coffee also make today's coffee shops selling well.
For example, there is iced coffee milk with added palm sugar or the language hits 'brown sugar'. In addition, there is also iced milk coffee which uses chocolate milk, combining the bitter taste of chocolate and coffee, giving rise to a new flavor from processed coffee. The price of iced milk coffee is also not as expensive as in cafes, which is around Rp. 18,000 for the cheapest price.
Rice bowl

No doubt, rice is a favorite food in Indonesia. The presence of rice bowls is a trend because of its simple appearance. Rice bowl is a typical Japanese food that has been in Jakarta since 2017. Even though it has been in Indonesia for a long time, the presence of rice bowl has not died down.
Rice bowl is so easy to consume because the side dishes are not complicated, such as chicken, eggs, fish, and others depending on the menu of each restaurant. Besides that, rice bowl is also very suitable for busy urban people.
They only have a little lunch time, a rice bowl is an option because it is easy to carry around and uses a disposable container. Rice bowls are also sold not only in restaurants, but also in convenience stores that are sold in coolers. Later, the rice bowl can be warmed in the microwave.
Salted Egg

The salted egg mixed menu is still a favorite menu in 2019. Reaching its glory in 2018, salted egg does have a unique taste that easily fits on the tongue of various groups. The sauce is made from salted egg yolk, which is easy to find in Indonesia.
The slightly coarse texture of the salted egg sauce makes salted egg sauce a food that has a unique taste. Even some people who don't like salted eggs will like the salted egg sauce because it's not too salty nor too runny.
Nowadays, salted egg sauce is also not only a flavoring for main dishes, but also as a flavoring for snacks. Salted eggs are increasingly popular when they are used as a rice bowl menu, which is also a culinary hit during 2019.
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