JAKARTA - Smokers are very susceptible to the number three deadly disease in the world, namely Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is caused by exposure to air pollution or toxic substances such as those in cigarette smoke.

Pulmonary specialists from the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) revealed that there are currently 4.8 million cases of COPD in Indonesia according to existing surveys. "Especially occurs in old age and those who are exposed to air pollution and cigarette smoke, most of which are said to be due to cigarette smoke," said Dr.

COPD is a disease that causes inflammation in the respiratory tract which gets worse or worse over time. The function of the airways of COPD sufferers will continue to deteriorate if not treated properly to prevent worsening.

COPD is caused by exposure to toxic substances, pollution, or other irritants in the respiratory tract. Exposure to cigarette smoke and air pollution are the most common causes of this non-communicable disease. Exposure to cigarette smoke is obtained not only from smokers themselves but can also be people who do not smoke but are often in the environment of people who smoke.

Lung specialists from the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) revealed that smokers are very vulnerable to the number three deadly disease in the world, namely Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) caused by exposure to air pollution or toxic substances such as those found in cigarette smoke.

Symptoms experienced by people with COPD are difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Once a person is exposed to COPD, the function of the sufferer's respiratory tract will never be able to return to normal conditions. Therefore, COPD treatment therapy is carried out throughout the patient's life with the aim of preventing it from leading to a worse condition, not to improving organ function.

People who suffer from COPD are very susceptible to other diseases ranging from ischemic heart disease, COVID-19, or even lung cancer. When a person with COPD is exposed to these other diseases, the severity is more severe than people without COPD.

COPD is a disease that was discovered in 1990 and is the sixth leading cause of death in the world. Researchers predict COPD will become a more dangerous cause of death.

In 2002, COPD patients continued to increase to become the fifth leading cause of death in the world. Researchers also predict that the ranking of causes of death from COPD will continue to climb in 2020, but in 2019 COPD has become the world's number three cause of death with more than 300 million cases worldwide each year.

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