JAKARTA – Begonia is a type of ornamental plant that is relatively easy to care for. This ornamental plant belongs to the genus of the flowering plant family, Begoniaceae, named after the former governor of the French colony of Haiti, Michael Begon.

There are more than 1000 species of ornamental begonias that grow in humid climates. Commonly treated for ornamental plants at home include the following:

1. Begonia rex

Begonia rex has colorful leaves. Leaves reach 6 inches long. Begonia rex houseplants can grow in moist but not watery soil. It will grow even more if it is not directly exposed to the sun or placed in a cool place. When the temperature is cold, the begonia rex will 'fall asleep' and when the temperature is warm it will germinate.

2. Begonia semperflorens

Begonia semperflorens is also known as begonia wax. Reported by Upgraded Home, Wednesday, November 17, this type of begonia is the most common and the easiest to care for compared to other types. Begonia sempereflorens is an ornamental plant that is easier to grow outdoors than indoors.

There are various variations of the begonia semperflorens plant flowers, ranging from red, yellow, white, and pink. The flowers are edible or safe for consumption. The stems can grow up to 60 centimeters.

3. Begonia boliviensis

Begonia boliviensis species are classified as new ornamental plants because they were bred from wild begonia species. Generally grows on cliff walls in South America and blooms in late spring to fall. Best planted in dry soil.

Boliviensis flowers are small and pendulous hanging. Begonia boliviensis has red and orange flowers. It is most appropriate to put this flower in shady sunlight with the right humidity.

4. Begonia reiger

This reiger species begonia flower at first glance looks like a rose. Grows in a shady place and is suitable to be placed as a hanging plant. But unfortunately, this ornamental plant does not have a long life. One of the most popularly cared for varieties of begonia reiger is solenia.

5. Tuberous begonias

Tuberous begonias have fragrant flowers that are considered the most dramatic. The leaves are green or burgundy and the flowers are a combination of white, pink, red, and orange.

For best results, tuberous begonias need to be planted in full sun in the morning and evening. Another thing to note when keeping this type of begonia, make sure it is in a pot with good drainage to prevent rot.

jenis tanaman begonia polkadot
Illustration of a polka dot begonia plant (Pexels/Diem Nguyen)
6. Begonia rhizomatous

Begonia rhizomatous rooted in rhizomes and entered as a class of thick-trunked plants. This plant can grow taller to more than 60 centimeters and thrives in hot areas.

7. Begonia angel wings

One type of polka dot begonia plant is called begonia angel wing which is a hybrid. Reported by the Olle Eriksson page, the begonia angel wing variety was discovered in 1926 by Eva Kenworthy Grey. The basic color of the leaves is green with silver dots making it called the Angel Wing Begonia which can be propagated by cuttings.

Of the seven recommendations above, which one appeals to you the most? To care for it is quite easy, most begonia ornamental plants require sufficient light, the right intensity of watering, a pot with good drainage, and use a planting medium mixed with soil with perlite.

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