JAKARTA – High protein diets are often chosen with the aim of maintaining health. Consumption of high-protein foods is also done to shed fat deposits in the stomach and build muscle to prevent Alzheimer's.

Every diet has an ideal rule of how much to eat in a day. So in a high-protein diet, how much protein can be consumed in a day? Know the ideal way to measure it in order to get the benefits of protein effectively for health.

Benefits of protein for the body

Protein is one of three types of macronutrients. In addition to fats and carbohydrates, proteins are equally important for cells and optimize biochemistry in the body. As reported by Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, Wednesday, November 17, adequate-protein consumption is needed to prevent malnutrition, maintain muscle mass, and strength as you age.

The success of a high protein diet varies widely. It doesn't have the same good effect on everyone. Because the recommended consumption of high protein in the diet is uncertain in size, this is the risk that occurs if you eat mostly protein foods.

The risk of consuming too much protein

With the right size, protein is very useful. However, there is a price to pay when excessive protein consumption. First, people who consume a lot are at higher risk of developing kidney stones.

Second, consuming lots of red meat, which contains saturated fat, is at a higher risk of developing heart and colon cancer. While a plant-based protein diet may not pose the same risks.

The ideal rule of protein consumption in a day

Experts do not provide specific answers regarding protein needs and how much is safe to consume. Especially for someone who has a specific goal in a protein diet, it is necessary to consider various things, especially the condition of the body as a whole.

The average person who is not an athlete consumes 2 grams of protein daily. If you weigh 70 kilograms, ideally consume 125 grams of protein per day. But this ideal size needs to consider health conditions. So it's best to consult a doctor and nutritionist to get the exact size according to the condition of the kidneys.

Good protein can be obtained from plant materials, such as nuts and seeds. While animal protein, choose low-fat content such as low-fat milk, fish, lean chicken, and turkey. Avoid protein sources with high processed carbohydrates and saturated fat.

To undergo a balanced protein diet, it is recommended to balance it with lots of vegetables, fruit, and fiber.

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