JAKARTA – Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, occur when the immune system identifies substances in the air that are usually harmless as dangerous. The body will respond to the allergen and release histamine and other chemicals in the bloodstream. These chemicals trigger symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Symptoms of seasonal allergic reactions include sneezing, nasal congestion, watery and itchy eyes, sinuses, blocked ears, to headaches, shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Seasonal allergies are often experienced when the wind blows and carries allergens, reported Healthline, Friday, November 12.
Seasonal allergies are the most common allergens that trigger allergies, including pollen, grass, and weeds. Indoor allergens can also cause nasal congestion and sneezing, such as mold, pet dander, dust mites or cockroaches.
Certain types of food can make your whole body feel good when experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms. Although food can't treat allergies, the following list of foods can help soothe colds and nasal congestion.
1. OrangeVarious varieties of citrus, including grapefruit, contain vitamin C which can help reduce the histamine that causes sneezing and runny nose. But if you are taking prescription allergy medications from your doctor, ask if it's okay to eat foods high in vitamin C in addition to medications.
2. PineapplePineapple contains an enzyme that can help reduce swelling, namely bromelain. Quoted from WebMD, research has found that the bromelain enzyme can relieve nasal congestion due to sinus congestion.
3. NutsLike almonds, cashews, and peanuts help relieve asthma attacks. A study shows that people with asthma often have low magnesium levels. This means that eating nuts that are high in magnesium can help relieve shortness of breath due to seasonal allergies.

The content of vitamin D in bones helps a person with allergies and asthma. This content can be found in salmon and tuna which is proven by a number of studies regarding increasing vitamin D intake is associated with less allergic symptoms.
5. GingerWhen the body has a fever followed by sneezing, brewing a warm ginger drink can help overcome it. Even if you experience cold allergy symptoms, such as swollen hands during cold weather, welts appear on the skin, itching, redness, and warmth, you can help by warming your body.
Fresh ginger contains gingerol, this helps dry out mucus so it doesn't feel stuffy. It is important to know, fresh ginger is better than dried ginger. So, choose fresh ginger tubers to get maximum benefits.
6. AppleQuercetin, a naturally occurring chemical in apples and all types of berries and peppers, can help relieve allergy symptoms by blocking histamine in the body.
7. Green teaSeveral studies have shown that green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is an antioxidant and is useful in helping reduce allergy symptoms. Simply put, drinking green tea can relieve colds and nasal congestion.
8. TurmericIt is common knowledge that turmeric is a type of food ingredient that can overcome allergies. Turmeric contains curcumin, which research shows inhibits histamine and has the potential to help treat a stuffy nose.
9. Sea fishTypes of marine fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna are rich in omega-3. According to The American Heart Association, eating two servings of seafood a week can help reduce swelling, especially in the nose.
10. Foods containing probioticsProbiotics are good bacteria that live in the intestines. Based on ongoing studies, foods containing probiotics can relieve allergies and improve overall health. Types of foods high in probiotics include tempeh, miso, and the most popular is yogurt.
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