Ketofastosis Diet, Healthy Tricks To Lose Weight
Illustrations (Miroshniche / Pexels)

JAKARTA - You may have heard the echo of the keto diet. In recent years, the name of the keto diet has become famous because it is believed by many people to lose weight effectively and healthily.

If other diet programs have a bad effect on health, the keto diet is actually good for health. However, is this diet really effective? How to live with it?

The keto diet is a low-carb and high-fat diet. Activists on this diet should consume no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as whole grains, bread, milk, and some vegetables should be limited in their consumption.

The keto diet is usually combined with fastosis or fasting on ketosis. This is a state of fasting that is carried out in a state of ketosis. Running a ketofastosis diet is a bit different from the keto diet. The time interval between eating hours and fasting hours differs depending on the condition of the body.

The closest method is 16:8, where you have to eat for eight hours and fast for 16 hours. This approach is easy to do because eight hours can provide ample time to eat. No wonder this approach is considered the most suitable for many people in the long term.

In addition, there are also those who apply the 5:2 time approach, where you have to eat regularly for five days and two days must limit one meal to 500-600 calories. For example, you choose to eat normally on weekdays and limit eating to one meal a day on weekends. Even when eating, the types of food that must be consumed include meat, seafood, eggs, sauces or oils that contain natural fats such as butter or coconut oil, and high-fat dairy products such as cheese.

The thing to keep in mind is, you may feel tired while on the ketofastosis diet at first. The reason is, the body needs to adapt to using non-carbohydrate ingredients such as lactate, amino acids, and fats to produce energy while fasting.

Weakness makes most people stop on the ketofastosis diet. However, this effect is temporary. If you keep doing it, your body will adapt itself over time.

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