JAKARTA - Recognizing and changing some of the unhealthy thought patterns, behaviors, and feelings that may be sabotaging your best efforts is the key to building the mental strength to become a mentally strong person. According to psychotherapist Amy Morin, LCSW, here are five things mentally strong people don't do.

Waste of time feeling sorry for yourself

This will not fix your problem. Better train your brain to trade self-pity for gratitude. Mentally strong people don't waste time and energy thinking about problems, but focus on creating solutions.

Avoid change

Even though you feel safe when you are in your comfort zone, avoiding new challenges is the biggest obstacle to living life. The more you practice tolerating the uncomfortable feelings associated with change, the more confident you will become in your own abilities.

Wasting energy on things you can't control. In fact, if you invest that energy into the things you control, you will be much better prepared for whatever happens in life . So when it's tempting to worry about something you can't devote that energy to something more productive.

Worrying about pleasing others

Doing and saying things that other people may not like takes courage, but you must live a truly authentic life and live up to your values, even when those choices are not liked by others.

Afraid to take risks

Making decisions based on your level of fear is not an accurate way to calculate risk. Emotions are often irrational and unreliable. You can't be great without taking risks. Learning how to accurately calculate risk will ensure you make the best choice.

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