JAKARTA – Commitment, for some people is something scary. To make life choices, he becomes reluctant and chooses to live without ties. Maybe this condition is not harmful, but people who are reluctant to commit often feel swayed in the obscurity of life.

So, what is the real reason someone is reluctant to make a commitment, especially in a romantic relationship? Here's a list of reasons.

1. Feeling vulnerable

Quoting the Thought Catalog, Monday, November 8, Einstein once described madness. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. So someone who is reluctant to think commitment will be boring but expects different results is certainly not in harmony.

Fear of boredom, fear of being wrong, but expecting a pleasant outcome is actually a vulnerable condition. One may need to be careful to make choices but not completely steer the vehicle in one direction.

2. Pursuing something better

A very competitive life and going through tough competition can be a reason someone is reluctant to commit. Throughout life even in a life full of commitment, competition also occurs. The notion of 'there must be something better out there' actually plunges a person into the abyss of reluctance to commit.

3. Have unrealistic expectations

Expectations that are too high keep a person away from the reality that everyone needs to commit. Whether committed in a romantic relationship, as well as a commitment in a work relationship or social relationship.

4. Delay time

It happens the same as when a person searches for the item he is looking for. Even though only 1 item is sought, it can take a lot of time even though you finally give up on the first choice. This is also often the reason people are reluctant to commit.

When imagining a perfect relationship as imagined, of course it takes a lot of effort to get it right?

5. Let the past drive the future

Everyone has a past, both good and bad memories. But for someone who is reluctant to commit, the past can be the main reference in determining his future. Although the reference is worrying.

The problem with commitment certainly has its roots. Even the past is an important factor in how a person behaves in the present or in the future.

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