JAKARTA - Remember Vega Damayanti? Tukul Arwana's partner in the talk show Bukan Empat Mata provides the latest news from a comedian from Semarang.

Tukul, according to her, has been able to respond to the people around him. However, Tukul Arwana's partner in Bukan Empat Mata talk show provides the latest news from a comedian from Semarang. The improving conditions have not made Tukul allowed to be visited by other people.

"The condition is better now, has reacted, can smile. But it does need special care," said Vega Darwanti, quoted from the Seleb Cam YouTube channel, Monday, November 8.

Vega admitted that she always asked about Tukul's condition through his manager, Rizky Kimon. What made Vega relieved was that Tukul could smile. "He can smile and still need special care," said Vega.

Vega certainly wanted to immediately visit her colleague. However, she chose to hold back. "I'm worried, Mas Tukul if you meet people, you'll cry. I'm afraid that I'm sad, I even think about it," said Vega Darwanti.

On Monday, October 25, Rizki Kimon reported that Tukul had responded well to the conversation. He is also undergoing therapy to get up and walk normally.

“For now, he really has the spirit, has the courage to give his energy. He also wants to stand up," continued Rizki.

Although far from normal, Tukul Arwana always has progressed from his recovery. In addition, now he can chew food such as porridge, juice, and others.

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