JAKARTA - Every child has a different activity pattern. Clinical and family psychologist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Pritta Tyas Mangestuti said that the ideal game for children is one that is active both physically and motorly.

Pritta explained that the important point of play is to make children physically move and think actively. If the object or toy is more active and makes it passive, it is better to avoid it.

"So the ideal game is one that makes children active, not even toys that are active, children are passive. Playing involves him physically, thinking and moving," said Pritta, quoted from ANTARA.

To get children to express their emotions and imaginations, parents need to have a child's point of view. Otherwise, parents and children will find it difficult to play games together.

"Parents sometimes can't see what a toy means for their child. For example, if he jumps around or imitates a certain sound, parents who don't want to understand will say what the hell is going on," said Pritta.

"These movements mean a lot to him. Continue to play if the tools are simpler, they can stimulate children to make their imaginations come true, become symbols for him, there are children who like to play with kitchen utensils," he added.

Pritta further explained that the idea of playing with children can be adjusted based on their developmental stage. Most importantly, parents should allow children to choose the game.

In addition, as much as possible parents do not force children to play certain toys because they are trending or want to make their little ones have certain talents.

"To determine the idea of playing, first observe the child, don't put too much into our agenda, so learn instead of playing. If he wants to play a role, we will follow it, if he likes to run, it means that he needs to move more," said Pritta.

According to Pritta, parents should also enjoy the moment when playing with their children. If parents are indifferent to playing, then children will feel that playing is not an interesting thing.

"If you play with your children, just enjoy the process, don't schedule it, it has to be that way. Playing is the initiative of the child," said Pritta.

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