JAKARTA – Burnout is characterized by feelings of tiredness, lack of enthusiasm for work, and decreased performance. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the three aspects that mark burnout, the most common feeling of fatigue experienced in other situations include social life, love relationships, and family.

According to Selina Barker, author of Burnt Out and life coach, everyone exhibits fatigue in different ways.

"When I talk to people who have experienced burnout, I begin to notice that there are different behaviors that people do that lead to burnout," Barker said.

Barker identifies four types of burnout that make a person feel exhausted. Here's a list as well as Barker's recommendations to overcome.

1. The Overgiver

Called an excessive giver or known as an overgiver is when you become a place for friends or people around to ask for help. Because other people know you can't say 'no' and are always there for them, you feel like you are a pillar of a big heart in paying attention.

Emotional exhaustion is often experienced by overgiver persons. He has less time for himself because he always tries to be there for others.

“If you're an overgiver, it's important to do things that fill your emotional cup. Try spending quality time with yourself or with others where you receive as much love as you give,” recommends Barker.

tipe burnout adalah
Illustration of burnout type (Pexels/Anete Lusina)
2. The Overdoer

Facing challenges, overdoer persons will be accepted easily and enthusiastically. However, if you feel tired, you will run out of fuel, not only physically tired but also in a bad mood when completing the responsibilities that he agreed to at the beginning.

"Overdoer behavior is the product of a culture that values hard work, progress, and positivity but ignores silence and rest," explains Barker.

Everyone needs a break, even someone with a busy schedule or high ambitions needs space for silence, a digital detox, and a complete step away from the to-do list. Barker's advice, if you have to do errands on the weekends, be sure to also do what you enjoy such as cooking, drawing or other things besides responsibilities that must be completed.

3. The overachiever

Someone who becomes a leader, leader, or has a strong vision is called a barker as the overachiever who ambitiously realizes his plans. However, being ambitious can lead to exhaustion because energy is not balanced with ambition and is driven by grit and determination.

Others may be impressed by what you've accomplished, says Barker. But there is a fear that arises from within, sometimes even feeling not good enough or a crisis of confidence.

Barker was like Icarus, one minute he was climbing and the next he was too close to the sun to fall. Barker advises that physical activities such as gardening, nature walks, or other activities that are not focused on accomplishment or goals are best for helping them relax.

4. The overthinker

When you're on duty, there's no problem you can't solve. But when you take a break, solutions, ideas, thoughts that interfere, make you tired and lose focus. In fact, when you feel focused and have trouble concentrating, says Barker, this is a sign that you need to rest.

“The most important thing for overthinkers is to get out of their own mind… Physical movement is key to this, as well as tasks that will involve them fully such as playing a Sudoku game or doing puzzles,” Barker recommends for overcoming overthinking.

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