JAKARTA - The couple Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah died on Thursday, November 4 due to a car accident. This incident made the parties feel devastated, including Vanessa's assistant, Joanna.

Joanna admitted that she just found out about this news, not from the closest people. "In fact, I was informed for the first time from fellow journalists, and not long after, Ida's assistant called me," said Joanna.

Joanna herself admitted that she was confused because she did not know the details of their work in Surabaya.

“Husband and wife get a job in Surabaya. I wasn't told about why I wasn't told,” explained Joanna, who said she was a special product and television manager.

Communication was also carried out with Vanessa Angel, which was about three days ago. "I told them, don't often cancel television work," said Joanna.

"Today they should be shooting at a television station," he explained.

Joanna is also reluctant to preempt the allegations or claims of any party because she is still waiting for a statement from the police.

"This is my deepest regret that I couldn't stop him from leaving. What I must have been really saddened by was that he left like that, who wouldn't be shocked."

The night before the accident, Joanna claimed to have smelled a corpse in the corner of her house. He felt it was a sign that he was going to lose someone.

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