JAKARTA - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) continues to promote efforts to increase food security in various regions in Indonesia.

One of the steps taken is to establish Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, as the location for the national priority program (Pro PN) intervention in 2025. The choice of this city is carried out to ensure that people get access to food that is safe and quality.

Head of the Mataram POM Center (BBPOM), Yosef Dwi Irwan, revealed that this program includes three main aspects, namely food safety in villages or sub-districts, supervision of school children's snacks (PJAS), and market programs safe from hazardous materials. According to him, community and family-based approaches are the main key to the success of this program to be more effective and on target.

This food safety program aims to ensure that food consumed by the community remains safe, clean, and high quality, while reducing the risk of health problems due to contaminated foods.

In addition, this program is expected to increase public awareness about the importance of healthy food and contribute to stunting management efforts and support people-based economic growth.

In order to realize this goal, BPOM Mataram coordinates with various agencies in the Mataram City Government, including the Health Office, Education Office, Trade Office, and several other related agencies.

This step is taken to ensure that there is synergy in implementing food safety policies in all related sectors.

One of the main focuses of this program is to increase public awareness and business actors about the importance of legality of food products. Business actors are encouraged to have permits such as Domestic Industry Food (PIRT) and BPOM certification so that the products in circulation have clear safety standards.

Not only that, interventions for the community are carried out through education and the establishment of food safety cadres in various sectors, such as villages, schools, and markets. With this cadre, the public is expected to better understand the importance of healthy food and contribute to supervising products circulating in their environment.

"We are grateful that all levels of the Mataram City Government are fully committed to supporting this strategic program to ensure that the food consumed by the community is truly safe," said Yosef.

The implementation of this program is scheduled to start in April 2025, after the month of Ramadan, and lasts for a full year. BPOM will cooperate with various regional and community apparatus organizations that have been formed in the three priority programs to ensure the implementation runs well and provides optimal results.

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