Having sex regularly can provide many benefits, both mentally and physically. Experts suggest that people often have sex if they want to feel happy. However, it seems that there are still many who don't.

A survey from the sex toy company The Handy revealed that couples who have not had sex for a long time, are easily depressed and anxious.

"Suppressing sexual desire without doing anything else, to relieve stress can trigger frustration, exacerbate anxiety, and become irritable," said Dr. Sham Singh, a sexual health specialist and psychiatrist, as quoted from the New York Post page.

Singh said the feeling of social shame, for example if someone confessed to his friends he rarely had sex could cause anxiety.

Having sex can improve heart health, reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins, and improve sleep quality. If you avoid it, it can actually have the opposite impact.

Singh explained that old people do not have sex, both men and women can experience anxiety or tension. This can cause muscles to become tense, difficult to concentrate, or more sensitive to touch.

Singh said people who are not actively having sex can also experience a decrease in energy and appetite.

Even more worrying, a 2023 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found women aged 20 to 59 who rarely had sex (less than once a week) had a much higher risk of early death.

This risk is related to increasing protein levels in a woman's body. This protein is related to inflammation, which in turn can damage tissue and organs of the body.

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