Tantri Syailindri or lenih is often called Tanti Kotak revealing her long career on the music stage. (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Tantri Syalintri Ichlasari, better known as Tantri Kotak's stage name, is one of the best lady rockers Indonesia has ever had. Being the vocalist of the Box for 17 years, Tantri's voice became a symbol for many hit songs, including Pelang Saja, Still Love, Action, Always Love, and Kick From Langit. The 34-year-old singer has dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood. It was his father who became an important figure who introduced Tantri with many Indonesian female singers. He heard many songs from Indonesian female soloists through his father's collection. This is the full interview with the VOI team.

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