JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said the construction of the National Strategic Project (PSN) of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) will facilitate social mobility and accelerate the circulation of goods and services. According to him, this effort also supports easy access for industrial areas and tourism areas on the island of Sumatra

"The presence of JTTS as a whole also gives a passion for growth for new regions," he said in an official statement after directly inspecting the Pekanbaru - Kandis - Dumai Section, Riau Province with related officials, Monday, November 1.

The Deputy Minister of Finance revealed that the government through the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) had disbursed Rp10.89 trillion for land acquisition funding to support the acceleration of the development of this project.

In particular, the representative from Sri Mulyani explained that the Pekanbaru - Kandis - Dumai section had cost a land acquisition budget of Rp328.9 billion for 2,412 plots of land or an area of 7.89 million square meters.

The Vice Minister of Finance also said that this deer has benefits in the form of saving mileage of about 51 km which has implications for saving Pekanbaru-Dumai time of up to 3 hours of travel.

In terms of fuel efficiency also experienced savings of 13 liters for small cars, and 35 liters for trucks.

"In addition, fuel savings also have a positive contribution to efforts to reduce environmental pollution," he said.

In a previous report, the government through PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) said that the construction of 11 priority sections of the Trans Sumatra toll road had an economic impact of Rp768 trillion.

"We also value that the construction of the Trans Sumatra toll road can have a multiplier impact on the national economic output of Rp1.7 percent," said SMI's Director of Financing and Investment Sylvi J. Gani some time ago.

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