JAKARTA - PT Pelita Air Service is rumored to be replacing Garuda Indonesia as the state-owned airline. Currently, the Pertamina-owned airline has obtained a flight business license for domestic or domestic routes.

President Director of Pelita Air, Albert Burhan, confirmed this. Albert said the business license had been given to his company.

"Yes, we have obtained a scheduled commercial permit," he told VOI, Thursday, October 28.

To be able to fly, Pelita Air still requires an aircraft operator certificate (AOC). According to Albert, his party is currently taking care of obtaining the permit.

"Still in preparation and management," he explained.

Regarding flight routes, Albert said that his party had not yet set a plan for implementing flight routes to be submitted to the Ministry of Transportation.

"The flight route plan has not been determined yet," he said.

Contacted separately, the Director General of Civil Aviation at the Ministry of Transportation Novie Riyanto said that Pelita Air Service already had a standard certificate issued by the Investment Ministry's Online Single Submission RBA on October 19, 2021, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Transportation.

"Currently, Pelita Air already has a domestic or domestic air transportation business permit," he said.

However, Novie said, Pelita Air still had to take care of other permits, such as AOC certificates or flying permits. AOC is very necessary because Pelita Air previously only served charter or charter flights.

"To carry out its operations, Pelita Air must then take care of the AOC and the determination of the implementation of flight routes (flying permits)," he said.

To get the AOC, the Ministry of Transportation will have to check the completeness of airline documents including the fleet and flight route plans.

Novie said, in accordance with PM 61 of 2017 concerning Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (PKPS) section 121 and Regulation of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number KP 619 of 2015 concerning technical instructions for procedures for issuing, extending or changing aircraft operator certificates (AOC), certification is carried out.

"The purpose of the certification is to see the operator's ability in terms of preparing aspects of airworthiness (maintenance) and aspects of aircraft operation (Flight Operation) as well as compliance with regulations for scheduled flight operations," he explained.

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