JAKARTA - PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) will immediately repair a series of LRT Jabodebek trains damaged by an accident on the Munjul section, Cibubur, East Jakarta. The repairs will be carried out in Madiun, East Java.

Senior Manager of Partnerships and community development program (PKBL), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Stakeholder Relationship of PT INKA (Persero), Bambang Ramadhiarto said that the damage to the Jabodebek LRT facility due to the work accident was still part of the production process.

"PT INKA will recall the damaged LRT to be repaired at its factory in Madiun," he said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, October 27.

In connection with the Jabodebek LRT accident that occurred yesterday, Bambang said that his party had conducted an internal investigation at the scene to determine the cause of the accident.

According to Bambang, from the results of internal investigations, while it was found that there were allegations of human error. At the time of testing, said Bambang, all the functions of the LRT trainset no. 29 on the LRT tracks near Harjamukti Cibubur are in good condition.

Furthermore, said Bambang, the operator who carried out the (dynamic) motion test of the LRT was suspected of not immediately carrying out the braking function when arranging trainset no. 29 to the stabling or parking position.

"In our opinion, this incident was a work accident during the LRT motion test process on its track. The dynamic test itself is a continuation of the LRT production process carried out by PT INKA as the manufacturer in Madiun," he said.

Bambang explained that before the LRT is opened for public transportation needs in 2023, the entire LRT system must be tested starting from the function of the facilities or trains themselves, tracks, signaling and other infrastructure functions such as at stopping stations, and the equipment must be integrated.

"This is because at the time of operation for the public, the Jabodebek LRT transportation is an integrated system that will run automatically where the train will run without a driver (driverless)," he explained.

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