JAKARTA - The 2021 Local Creative Festival #TumbuhBersamaSahabat has successfully selected nine local heroes at the Labuan Bajo Super Priority Destination, who will enter the final round to win the Local Creative Award. They were selected after being selected from 33 SMEs in the Fashion, Culinary, and Craft business fields.

The selection process is carried out based on the initial training and judging process, after the participant registration period closes on September 22, 2021. Here are nine local hero SMEs that will represent Labuan Bajo to the final round:

Culinary:- Timor Moringa- New Eden Moringa- CV Beumopu Elba Jaya (Mama Ana)

Crafts:- Tinung Rambu- Rempe Sikka- Lipa Tenung

Fashion:- Wualime Waesano- Komodo Gift Shop- Padu Padan

Furthermore, the nine selected local heroes will receive more intensive training from the Prasetya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (ELI) and Entrepreneur Camp, to motivate them to have the mentality and spirit to develop a business, so that in running a business they can always bring innovation for business sustainability to continue. grow. The training provided will use practical methods, so that SMEs can directly apply them in growing their creative businesses.

"Innovation must be realized by SMEs as the key in managing business, because it opens up opportunities to keep up with changes and developments of the times, so that businesses can survive in facing various challenges," said Head of Regional SSD Bali-Nusa Tenggara Adira Finance, Surya Almada Syahlani, in a written statement. , quoted Saturday 23 October.

Through the 2021 Local Creative Festival, Adira Finance supports the government's efforts to promote the creative economy sector SMEs in Super Priority Destinations so that together they can grow to build the Indonesian economy. This program is held in line with the company's vision of 'Creating shared value to increase prosperity'.

In addition, this annual collaboration event between Adira Finance and the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) also fosters the spirit of moving forward for SMEs in managing their business and facing challenging times.

On the same occasion, the Head of Tourism Marketing at the Tourism and Culture Office of Kab. West Manggarai, Ferdinandus Ben, agrees on the important role of innovation in SMEs' efforts to grow their business. For this reason, his party appreciates Adira Finance who continues to support SMEs in the tourism sector through the 2021 Local Creative Festival.

"The 2021 Local Creative Festival is proof of Adira Finance's concern for SMEs in the tourism sector. This activity will become capital for creative business actors in Super Priority Destinations to grow and show the spirit of moving forward in the midst of challenges," said Ferdinandus.

In addition to debriefing and training, nine SME local heroes from Labuan Bajo will be judged by the Jury, which consists of figures with expertise and experience in the business and creative economy fields. The jury consists of the founder of M Bloc Space, Handoko Hendroyono, as the chairman of the jury; and as members of the Jury are the President Director of Adira Finance, Hafid Hadeli; Deputy of Marketing for Creative Economy Kemenparekraf RI, Nia Niscaya; Director of HR & Marketing Adira Finance, Swandajani Gunadi; Director of Marketing for Creative Economy Kemenparekraf, Yuana Rochma Astuti; and Director of Adira Insurance, Wayan Pariama.

The jury will judge based on product innovation and originality, vision and mission, business models, and business strategies developed by SMEs. The best local UKM hero selected by the jury is entitled to an award which will be presented at the Gebyar Adira Kreasi event on November 13, 2021, to coincide with the celebration of Adira Finance's 31st Anniversary at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java.

As additional motivation, the best local hero SMEs will also get prizes worth a total of hundreds of millions of rupiah in the form of additional business capital, and exposure in various national media, both print and online. In order to make the 2021 Local Creative Festival a success, Adira Finance cooperates with several parties to support its implementation, both from the government and the private sector, such as MUFG, Zurich, Adira Finance Syariah, as well as Baba Rafi Enterprise and Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (ELI).

Through the 2021 Local Creative Festival, Adira Finance provides support for the national campaign #BeliKreatifLokal and Proud to be Made in Indonesia. This activity is held in line with the company's commitment to give the best contribution to the nation, in order to improve welfare.

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