JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, finally permitted the Papua National Sports Week (PON) match in October 2021 for spectators to attend.

The decision was conveyed by Airlangga when holding a press conference on the extension of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) today.

"Related to future activities outside Java-Bali are the national PON activities. Earlier, the President had decided with 25 percent of the audience (can watch the match live) with the condition that the vaccination had been twice, both the first vaccine and the second vaccine", he said.

In addition, Airlangga also briefly informed that the government has prepared Central Isolation (Isoter) facilities in several cities hosting XX PON in Papua, including central isolation on the Pelni Ship (KM Tidar) with a capacity of 929 beds.

"This (Central isolation ship in Jayapura) will also continue to be prepared for the PON (National Sports Week) later", he said.

To note, Airlangga asked all parties involved in this PON to be vaccinated, from athletes, coaches, officials, support staff, to the community around the venue.

It is targeted that by October, all parties involved have received two doses of the vaccine. The implementation of the process in PON XX Papua is also adapted from the success of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics which ended on August 8, 2021.

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