JAKARTA - Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti is known to have just completed the process of obtaining a driver's license (SIM) which has expired for 20 years. He conveyed this information through the personal Twitter page @susipudjiastuti.

"Good morning, today I am taking care of my driver's license because for a few months I have learned to drive again," he said in a video uploaded as quoted on Thursday, September 16.

According to Susi, what she did was a form of compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

"I am a citizen of traffic rules and follow the existing regulations," he said.

Investigate, besides being in the process of learning to drive a vehicle, Susi's motivation to renew her driver's license is because the process is easy.

"Taking care of a driving license that has been dead for 20 years at the Pangandaran Police, because the information from the Chief of Police can be made at the Polsek, there is no need to go to the Resort Police," he said.

Sri Mulyani's subordinates respond

A moment later, the Special Staff of the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo responded to Susi's upload. According to Sri Mulyani's subordinates, what was done by the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries was a positive thing.

"Well done, Mrs. @susipudjiastuti," he said while giving a symbol of applause as a sign of appreciation.

Yustinus said that the SIM procedure is a form of support for state administration. The reason is that the costs incurred by the public to obtain a driving license are intended as a derivative in fulfilling the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

“By taking care of your mother's SIM, you also contribute to state revenue through PNBP (Non-Tax State Income). Hopefully it will be better used for the benefit of public service," he said.

To note, this year's PNBP sector can be said to be quite smooth. This is because most of the revenue from this sector is supported by tax levies originating from the sale of commodities, mainly overseas, such as palm oil, coal, and others.

In fact, the government through the Ministry of Finance is optimistic that the PNBP sector will be able to exceed the 2021 APBN target with a projection of IDR 357.2 trillion or 119.8 percent of the ceiling of IDR 298.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of PNBP until July 31, 2021 is Rp. 242.1 trillion, equivalent to 81.2 percent of the target set this year.

But unfortunately, one of the country's revenue barns is believed to be profitable in 2022 along with the end of the commodity boom.

In the 2022 RAPBN, it is stated that the PNBP target will fall by 6.7 percent to Rp. 333.2 trillion from the 2021 ceiling of Rp. 357.2 trillion.

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