JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) will supply electricity needs of 993 megavolt amperes to the first international standard data center in Indonesia which will be built at the Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) Kota Deltamas, Cikarang, West Java.

PLN President Director Zulkifli Zaini said that his party is preparing existing, quality, and green electricity infrastructure to support data center operations in the property area belonging to the late conglomerate Eka Tjipta Widaja.

"In accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to make Indonesia an international data center hub, PLN is ready to support the plan as well as possible," said Zulkifli, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, September 14.

Currently, Indonesia's data center consumption capacity per capita is still very small, at one watt per capita or around 270 megawatts to meet the current data center.

This number is small when compared to Japan, which has an average data center consumption capacity of 10 watts per capita and Singapore 100 watts per capita. So, if you want to be on par with Japan, at least Indonesia needs 2.7 gigawatts just for data centers.

Zulkifli emphasized that his party is ready to cooperate with regional developers or data center investors on a national and international scale who want to invest in Indonesia.

He also hopes that synergies can be built with the central and regional governments in encouraging the acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia through the provision of national and international data centers.

"With the construction of a data center in Indonesia, it will be a lever for the development of digital businesses and national start-ups as well as other multiplier effects," said Zulkifli.

The President Director of PT Puradelta Lestari as the developer of Kota Deltamas, and PT Pembangunan Deltamas Hongky Jeffry Nantung expressed hope that data center players in GIIC and Indonesia could get a reliable supply of electricity, because data centers require a large supply of electricity.

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"With this collaboration, we hope that the needs of incoming data center players can be met for reliability, and can be supplied with renewable energy and can also be served by PLN," said Hongky.

The cooperation agreement between PLN and GIIC was signed by the Director of Regional Business Director for Java, Madura, and Bali Haryanto WS, Director of Commerce and Customer Management of PLN Bob Saril, President Director of PT Puradelta Lestari and PT Pembangunan Deltamas Hongky Jeffry Nantung, and Director of PT Pembangunan Deltamas Naritsugu Tomita.

Through this collaboration, PLN provides electricity supply at competitive rates to 12 national and international data center developers in the GIIC area.

In order to maintain energy reliability in the data center, PLN will supply electricity from two main sources that are tailored to customer needs as well as Java and Bali electricity reserves of more than 50 percent.

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