JAKARTA – PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. openly supports the development of electronic sports or e-sports in the country. This commitment is shown through the establishment of a special electronic sports academy titled Limitless ESport Academy (LEAD).

Director of Consumer Service Telkom Venusiana said that this step is expected to give birth to the next Indonesian e-sport athlete who is able to take part in the international arena.

“We believe that one of the important aspects in this digital sports ecosystem is the regeneration of athletes. For this reason, we are committed to producing as many e-sports athletes as possible with international spirit and competitiveness. The academy was built as well as a learning place for players to become excellent athletes," he said in an official statement on Friday, September 10. According to Venusiana, what is being strived to prove the company remains in line with the times and is expected to bring a new perspective on gamers.

"What we are carrying is a clear signal that being a gamer is not just a hobby, but can be a profession that is also beneficial for the people of Indonesia," he said.

In a detailed explanation, Venusiana revealed that LEAD is an e-sport academy with the concept of athlete enablement, which is to empower and train a gamer (player) who originally played games as a hobby, to become a professional player (pro player) with an athlete mentality.

Please note, not all pro players are e-sports athletes, but e-sports athletes are definitely pro-players.

“The fundamental difference between a pro-player and an e-sport athlete is in the mental aspect. Those e-sport athletes are the chosen people who are ready to forge their sportsmanship,” said Venusiana.

In the success of the agenda, the state-owned business entity carried out a campaign through one of the company's products, namely IndiHome.

Meanwhile, IndiHome itself is a subscription internet service from Telkom that provides high-speed connection facilities. This is in accordance with one of the company's target markets, namely users of game applications and online games.

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