JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir admitted that he was not satisfied even though in the last 10 years state-owned companies had contributed to the state of Rp. 3,290 trillion. According to him, SOEs must continue to introspect to improve their performance.

"It has contributed IDR 3,290 trillion to the state in the form of taxes, dividends and others. Of course this is very helpful for the country in carrying out programs for its people. But is that enough? No," he said at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the SOE Supply Chain ', Friday, September 3rd.

Erick asked state-owned companies to take a bigger role to promote people's welfare. According to Erick, during the COVID-19 pandemic, his party did self-introspection to transform to help the country and small business actors.

"Since this crisis occurred, we SOEs have appointed ourselves to make improvements. We are transforming ourselves. We ensure that SOEs do not become ivory towers, but must be close to the MSME program and close to the community," he said.

Not only that, Erick said that SOE directors must be open to cooperating with other parties. He also reminded state-owned companies not to carry out cartels, especially the current COVID-19 pandemic.

"There can be no longer one BUMN and the other being a cartel. Trading with each other, supplying each other with each other, whether it's uniform, whether it's drinking water," he said.

For your information, SOEs have consistently contributed more than 16 percent of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since 2018. However, when compared to other countries, the contribution is still relatively small considering that SOEs have total assets of 573 billion dollars or around Rp. 8 billion. .022 trillion.

For example, in the same year, Temasek Singapore's superholding assets of only $227 billion contributed to Singapore's GDP of 21.6 percent.

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