JAKARTA - The state-owned construction company PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has successfully completed the construction of the Way Sekampung Dam located in Lampung Province. The dam construction project was officially inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, which was symbolically marked by a procession of turning a lever and signing an inscription.

The inauguration ceremony on Thursday 2 September was also attended by Novel Arsyad as President Director, Yul Ari Prauraharjo as Operations Director for Infrastructure, Pande Ketut as SVP Infrastructure Division 2, and Yuyus Juarsa as PTPP SVP Corporate Secretary. In addition, the inauguration ceremony was also attended by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Governor of Lampung Province Arinal Djunaidi, Governor of South Sumatra Province Herman Deru, Regent of Pringsewu Sujadi Saddat.

PTPP together with several BUMN Karya and other contracting companies were trusted by the Ministry of PUPR to work on the construction of the Way Sekampung Dam located in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province.

Way Sekampung Dam in Lampung. (Photo: Doc. PTPP)

The Way Sekampung Dam is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) carried out with an implementation period of five years on a multi-year basis starting from 2016 to 2021. The dam, which is located in Pringsewu Regency, has a water capacity of 68.06 million cubic meters and an area of inundation up to 800 hectares.

The presence of the Way Sekampung Dam in Lampung Province will have a positive impact on the development of Lampung City, especially in the southern part of the city. With the construction of the dam, it will provide many benefits for the surrounding community, including: providing irrigation water for a land area of 55 thousand hectares, providing raw water of 2,482 liters per second for Bandar Lampung, Branti, and Metro City.

This dam is integrated from the Batutegi Dam and flows to the Agroguruh Dam to the Margatiga Dam which is also connected to several rivers such as Way Merabung, Way Bulak whose main purpose is to help meet water needs and support water resource infrastructure.

Not only that, the Way Sekampung Dam can also function as a Microhode Power Plant (PLTM) with a power of 5.4 MW, flood control, and as a conservation and tourism area so as to improve the welfare of the local community.

In a brief dialogue with PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad, President Joko Widodo expressed his praise for the work on the construction of the Way Sekampung Dam.

"This is very good. We hope that this dam will provide the maximum benefit to the people of Pringsewu and its surroundings in order to support farmer productivity, help people who have difficulty with clean water, and reduce community losses due to flooding," said President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the inauguration ceremony, quoted from a PTPP press release, Friday, September 3.

President Director of PTPP Novel Arsyad said, the Way Sekampung Dam is eagerly awaited by the people of Lampung Province, because in addition to helping meet water needs and supporting water resource infrastructure, the presence of the dam is also useful as water tourism and environmental conservation in the Pringsewu Regency and surrounding areas.

The dam can also increase the surrounding economic growth and create new jobs. The dam construction work was not stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic because it was in order to maintain the PSN project completion target and maintain the sustainability of the Indonesian economy.

"PTPP hopes to continue to participate and be given the trust by the government to work on infrastructure projects, especially PSN projects located throughout Indonesia," said Novel Arsyad.

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