JAKARTA - PT PGN Tbk is currently serving more than 500,000 customers. In order to provide excellent service to customers, PGN Subholding Gas has made a breakthrough in information services.

This Pertamina Gas Subholding provides customer service via WhatsApp (WA) at 08151 1500 645. This is to expand public access to ask for information regarding gas subscriptions, gas bills or submit complaints.

WA Bisnis PGN is an official company account that has received a green tick from Whatsapp as an official account sign, and can serve customers from the household sector, small and medium businesses, commercial, and industry.

"We hope that customer information services through this business WA can be widely spread and utilized optimally by the community. We are committed to improving service quality through fast, easy, and efficient media," said PGN's Director of Sales and Operations, Faris Aziz in an official statement, Wednesday, September 1.

The WA business service provides easy two-way communication between customers and PGN contact center agents. Customers also do not need to pay pulse fees. PGN's WA business can also serve the general public who are not PGN customers.

The general public can receive information from PGN regarding the use of natural gas and other products and services. The function of PGN's business WA is like contact center 1500645 with a different mechanism, business WA cannot receive calls.

The operational hours of PGN's WA business are 08.00 - 24.00 WIB. If there is an emergency that needs to be conveyed outside PGN's WA business hours, the public will be directed to contact the call center at 1500 645.

“The WA business was launched so that public complaints facilities are more accessible and responses can be given more quickly to the public. Especially now that many people have used the WA platform as a medium of daily communication," said Faris. From year to year, the number of complaints including requests for information can be said to fluctuate. Through additional communication channels in the form of WA Business, it can mitigate the increase in complaints, so that customers can comfortably and more personally request information or submit complaints.

So far, customer information facilities have been carried out using several methods, namely Call Center number 1500 645, email [email protected], and face-to-face by coming directly to the nearest PGN office.

"There has been a physical distancing policy since the COVID-19 pandemic so that face-to-face services are minimized. WA business can be the right solution between the community and the PGN contact center in the midst of a pandemic," said Faris.

All incoming questions and complaints will be followed up and forwarded to the relevant units. Handling will be carried out immediately if there are obstacles or disturbances in the use of natural gas, as well as damage to natural gas infrastructure.

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