JAKARTA - PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN) agreed to distribute cash dividends totaling Rp120.3 billion. This decision was taken at the MNCN Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) which was held last Tuesday, August 31.

Each shareholder will receive dividend proportionally based on the number of shares owned, which is Rp. 8 per share.

"Cash dividends will be distributed to the shareholders of the company, each of which will receive proportionally according to the number of shares they own, namely each share is entitled to receive cash dividends of Rp. 8,- per share with a total value of Rp. 120,398,301,680," he said. President Director of MNCN Noersing.

The company owned by the conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo will announce the procedures and schedule for the distribution of cash dividends through the information disclosure of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the future.

This dividend distribution is the company's proposal regarding the use of profits for the 2020 financial year. This proposal received approval from most shareholders.

MNCN also welcomes the new composition of directors and commissioners. These changes were made to strengthen the structure, spur performance, optimize the digital ecosystem and the company's technology.

The Executive Chairman of MNC Group who is also the President Commissioner of MNCN Hary Tanoesoedibjo said the MNCN General Meeting of Shareholders approved the change in the members of the company's board of directors and commissioners.

The MNCN GMS approved the appointment of Noersing as President Director of the company, from his previous position as Director. Meanwhile, the control of the MNCN President Commissioner is still held by Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

HT will focus on assisting the Board of Directors in digital development which will be an important part of increasing the company's growth going forward.

The position of Deputy President Director is occupied by Kanti Mirdiati Imansyah. Noersing and Kanti are in charge of supervising all of the company's business operations from day to day.

On the Board of Directors of MNCN, Ella Kartika, Dini Putri and Valencia Tanoesoedibjo focus on optimizing and strengthening the company's digital ecosystem.

"Ella Kartika will supervise digital and non-digital content and intellectual property, and businesses under MNC Studios. Dini focuses on programming, both digital and non-digital, and Valencia will focus on overall digital business across MNCN Group," said Hary Tanoe.

Meanwhile, Tantan Sumartana was appointed as Director of Sales & Marketing for digital and non-digital in all MNCN businesses. Furthermore, Ruby Panjaitan remains as Finance Director of MNCN.

In relation to the decision of the GMS, the following is the composition of the New MNCN Board of Commissioners and Directors:

board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Hary Tanoesoedibjo

Commissioner: Syafril Nasution

Independent Commissioner: Joel Richard Hogarth


Managing Director: Noersing

Deputy President Director: Kanti Mirdiati Imansyah

Director: Valencia Tanoesoedibjo

Director: Dini Putri

Director: Tantan Sumartana

Director: Ella Kartika

Director: Ruby Panjaitan

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