JAKARTA - Although Yogyakarta City is still running PPKM level four, several economic activities have been allowed, including a number of shopping centers and malls that have resumed operations and receive visitors.

"It is allowed to open but with strict restrictions and health protocol rules," said Yogyakarta Mayor Haryadi Suyuti in Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 25.

Shopping centers and malls must really have a commitment to carry out various stipulated requirements such as requiring visitors to wear masks and regulations regarding vaccinations.

Based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 35 of 2021, it is stated that the trial implementation of health protocols at shopping centers or malls or trade centers is carried out with at least five restrictive provisions.

Among these rules, activities are allowed to operate 50 percent from 10.00 WIB to a maximum of 20.00 WIB and require visitors and employees to use the PeduliLindung application for screening needs.

In addition, there is also an age restriction for mall visitors, namely residents aged under 12 years and over 70 years are prohibited from entering the mall or shopping center.

Restaurants or restaurants and cafes located in malls or shopping centers are only allowed to serve take away and delivery. Dine-ine services are still prohibited.

Meanwhile, cinemas, children's playgrounds, and entertainment venues in malls are still closed.

"For supervision, it will certainly be carried out jointly by the Satpol PP and later there will be support from the police and the TNI," he said.

Several malls and shopping centers in the city of Yogyakarta through their Instagram accounts announced various requirements that must be met by visitors.

Among other things, Galeria Mall through the Galeriajogja Instragram account stated several conditions, such as mandatory vaccines and if you don't meet the mandatory vaccine requirements, you must bring a doctor's certificate and a negative COVID-19 test result and scan the QR Code from the PeduliLindung application.

Meanwhile, the Daily Head of the Yogyakarta COVID-19 Handling Task Force Heroe Poerwadi said the same thing was that malls that were already operating had to comply with provisions such as a 50 percent visitor restriction and scan the QR Code from the PeduliLindung application.

"Several malls have submitted information and notifications regarding reopening and visitor restrictions will be monitored through the application," he said.

Previously, Heroe also said that if the PPKM policy began to have an impact on the decline in positive confirmed cases even in the past week, the daily cases in Yogyakarta were below 100.

"Separations are still being carried out. This means that there are still restrictions on people's mobility," he said.

He also reminded him that if there is no urgent need, it is better to do activities at home.

"Cases have indeed dropped but have not completely dropped like June. Hopefully, by reducing mobility, cases will be suppressed," he said.

Previously, the Yogyakarta Special Region Government had prepared the application of the PeduliLindungi application as one of the requirements for visitors to enter shopping centers or malls and places to eat in this area.

"I am suitable (implementing Care for Protect). We will also prepare this policy," said Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X during a Coordination Meeting with Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan virtually, Monday, August 23.

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