JAKARTA - The occurrence of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 has opened people's eyes to the importance of maintaining health. Before the pandemic alone, everyone had a high enough risk of contracting a disease suddenly and without warning. If you have a health problem, the cost of treatment at the hospital is not impossible, it will be very massive and injure your finances.

Therefore, not a few people are starting to realize the importance of having the best health insurance. Through these financial products, you can get guaranteed protection in the form of compensation for medical or hospital costs when contracting an illness.

However, choosing the right health insurance and according to your needs is not always easy to do. It takes a lot of consideration in a number of different aspects to be able to get the best health insurance.

So, so that you don't choose the wrong service, let's look at the following 8 tips for determining the best health insurance to ensure your health with your family.

1. Understand the Coverage of Protection Provided

Each health insurance must have different protection coverage, depending on the provider's policy and the premium paid. Therefore, make sure to clearly understand what protection is provided by the insurance product. Of course, only choose health insurance that is able to provide health protection according to your and your family's needs.

2. Find Out the List of Partner Hospitals

Like BPJS health services, a good health insurance to choose is one that has a wide hospital network and is guaranteed quality. Also know whether the selected insurance system is willing to replace the money that has been spent when treatment is carried out outside the partner hospital or not to maximize the benefits.

3. Know the Claim Acceptance Ratio of Insurance Companies

Health insurance will be less than optimal in its benefits when it has a low claim acceptance process. Therefore, you need to find out the ratio of claim receipts from the health insurance company to choose and how to apply for it. So, you can find out the potential of the health insurance provider to complete the claim process easily and quickly.

4. Choose Insurance that Has No Disease Limits or Room Rentals

Before choosing health insurance, be sure to understand the policies that are provided clearly and what limitations are not covered. One of them is choosing health insurance that has no restrictions on treatment procedures, types of diseases, and room rent.

5. Make sure the policy is able to meet all needs

Everyone needs different health protection. Therefore, you need to look for health insurance that is able to cover the medical needs in the policy. Of course, only choose health insurance that is able to provide comprehensive coverage and protection for your medical needs with your family.

6. Insurance Considerations with Coverage for the Whole Family

For complete coverage, look for health insurance capable of covering 2 or more family members in a policy. Paying for a family insurance policy as a whole can be more economical than paying one at a time.

7. Pay Attention to Policies Regarding Pandemics and Unexpected Diseases

Like the Corona virus pandemic, no one can be sure when critical situations and unexpected illnesses will arise. Therefore, you need to look for health insurance that has clear rules regarding health protection against pandemics or other diseases that can appear suddenly. If it does require additional costs, make sure the nominal is listed and can be reached by finances.

8. Check Available Critical Illness Plans

Critical illness is generally associated with additional medical expenses because it has a relatively long and more expensive recovery process. Therefore, check your health insurance policy regarding plans for critical illness to be able to provide financial support in the long term. Also know what types of critical illnesses are covered by health insurance as a consideration for choosing them.

Like an investment, health insurance is a financial product that can provide great benefits in the future

Being a customer of health insurance means that you have to pay premiums regularly to be able to get the guaranteed protection it provides. This is certainly a wiser step to take because, properly investing, the premium burden that has been paid so far is able to guarantee future health costs whose nominal can be very unpredictable.

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