JAKARTA - In the midst of the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic, PLN managed to record a net profit of Rp. 6.6 trillion until the first semester of 2021.

Based on PLN's Consolidated Financial Statements for the first semester of 2021 (unaudited) published today, Wednesday, July 28, the company's profit achievement was supported by the increase in electricity sales and sustainable efficiency through a number of transformation programs.

"In the midst of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that has not improved and the restrictions on community activities, PLN was able to print an increase in electricity sales of Rp. 140.5 trillion in the first half of 2021, or up 3.7 percent compared to the achievement of the first semester of 2020 of Rp. 135.4 trillion. "said the Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and CSR of PLN, Agung Murdifi, in a written statement received by VOI.

This increase in performance was driven by the sales intensification and extensification program. Throughout January to June 2021, PLN managed to add 1.65 million new customers.

In terms of the Cost of Supply (BPP) of electricity, the sustainability of the transformation program carried out by PLN since the beginning of 2020 has been able to support the company's efficiency. It was recorded that the realization of BPP in the first semester of 2021 was Rp. 1,303 per kWh, down 4.7 percent or equivalent to Rp. 65 per kWh compared to the first semester of 2020 which was Rp. 1,368 per kWh.

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