JAKARTA - The founder of the Indonesian Business Data Center (PDBI) Christianto Wibisono reportedly closed down on Thursday, July 22, 2022 while holding an Imaginary Interview with Bung Karno. This was expressed directly by the daughter, Astri Wibisono.

"He was holding his favorite book The Imaginary Interview of Bung Karno when he left (died)," said Astri quoted Friday, July 23.

To note, the book was written directly by Christianto Wibisono with notes that it was first published in 1977.

This book outlines the story of Christianto's imaginary interview with the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or better known as Bung Karno.

In his writings, Christianto describes six presidential characters who deserve to be leaders in this country from the results of his imaginary interview with Bung Karno, namely firm, intelligent, clean, able to make logical policies, obeying political provisions, and also obeying the law.

This thought is then considered by many parties to be still relevant today in determining the nation's leader. In fact, he had mentioned the matter almost fifty years ago.

In his writings, Christianto tries to show his style of emotional communication and intellectual interaction with Bung Karno. For this reason, a number of relevant issues were raised, such as geopolitical conditions.

According to the author, a democratic revolution will continue to occur in line with the acceleration of human development. However, authoritarian regimes are believed to exist even in different contexts.

From here, a common ground was found in the form of Pancasila which forbids military fascism and the dictatorship of communism. Individual nature is absolutely respected but must be in accordance with the direction of the state.

There is an interesting part in this book, namely when Christianto asked Bung Karno about the Work Meeting at the Tampaksiring Palace, Bali. The Proclaimer then answered the performance of Indonesia, which is now referred to as one of the Troika Asia, as an autopilot country.

During its development, this book was banned by Suharto ahead of the MPR General Session in Jakarta in March 1978. Not only that, the authorities also treated the White Paper for Students and seven newspapers, including Kompas.

“The state and the market must be properly managed for their chemical reactions. If the state becomes a suffocating predator, it is the same as the Soviet Union, which could send Sputnik into space but failed to provide groceries in supermarkets. However, if market greed is allowed, there will be market failures such as the world depression crisis due to the bankruptcy of Wall Street in 1930," Christianto wrote in his book.

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