JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government had heard and received several inputs from various parties regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. However, Luhut acknowledged, this Delta variant is difficult to deal with.

"Believe me we did our best, but Delta is a difficult thing to deal with, it is true. No country in the world can now claim that they have overcome this," he said in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, July 21. .

Therefore, he asked the public to work hand in hand to face the Delta variant of COVID-19. He also reminded the public to be aware of the Delta variant of COVID-19. Because, if you are negligent, it will involve the loss of life for some people.

"I ask all of us to work together to solve this, this is a humanitarian problem. We act quickly, the delay in taking action is related to how many people have died. We are in politics, of course this can also cause people to die," he said.

The following are some of the strategies the government has taken to suppress the spread of COVID-19:

1. Improve the testing and tracing system in densely populated housing

Luhut said the government in the near future, on the orders of the president, would increase testing and tracing and increase isolation centers in densely populated areas.

Furthermore, Luhut said the aim was to suppress the spread of COVID-19 cases in densely populated housing.

"We will finalize it, how we will immediately test and trace in densely populated housing in agglomerations such as Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Solo Raya, Semarang, Malang Raya, like that. quarantine," he said.

Luhut guarantees that in quarantine places, there are medical doctors and treatment personnel, including COVID-19 therapeutic drugs. Later, the family at home will not escape the attention of the government by being given basic necessities and food needs while their family members undergo isolation.

"If it is the head of the family, the family is given social assistance by the government to ease the burden," he said.

With the implementation of testing and tracing in densely populated residential areas, Luhut said, the rate of deterioration of the Delta variant of COVID-19 patients could be lower. As in Wisma Atlet, the mortality rate is very low compared to patients at home.

"Especially our friends whose houses are rather densely populated, I think the spread rate is very high. So this is the goal to cut off the transmission of this Delta variant," he said.

2. Speed up vaccination

Luhut said the government would continue to boost the vaccination process as the key in dealing with the pandemic. Moreover, the mortality rate of COVID-19 patients who have been vaccinated is very low.

"In DKI Jakarta who died from COVID-19 who were (already) vaccinated, the number was very low, from 5.1 million samples, only 54 people died. So 0.21 percent," he said.

Referring to the data, said Luhut, the COVID-19 patients who died on average had comorbid or congenital diseases.

In addition to improving the vaccination process, Luhut said, another effort that the government will take to fight the Delta variant of COVID-19 is to strengthen testing and tracing. Especially in densely populated areas.

Furthermore, Luhut ensures that all processes that will be carried out will be carried out quickly. Because, if it is done too late, human life will be at stake.

"In dealing with this Delta variant, if it is done quickly, the healing rate will be faster and the death rate will be faster if the treatment is not fast. I request this to be of concern to all of us," he said.

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