JAKARTA - PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk recorded double-digit revenue growth in the first quarter of 2021. As of March 2021, the issuer codenamed ASSA posted revenue growth of 37.28 percent from Rp701.62 billion in the first quarter of 2020 to Rp963.17 billion in the first quarter of 2021.

ASSA President Director Prodjo Sunarjanto revealed that his investment efforts in the express courier business through Anteraja are increasingly showing positive results towards the increase in ASSA's revenue. In the first quarter of 2021, Anteraja again became the second largest contributor to the total revenue of this company owned by conglomerate TP Rachmat after the rental business with a contribution of 37.75 percent.

"ASSA continues to strive for growth in each of its business lines that will lead to the sharing economy and tech-based business," said Prodjo in a written statement, quoted Thursday, July 1.

In achieving the growth target in 2021 that we announced at the beginning of the year, ASSA has various strategies for each line of business. Starting from Anteraja by continuing to expand its reach through increasing the number of service points and increasing the number of couriers (SATRIA).

"Currently, Anteraja couriers have reached more than 15,000 people spread over 600 service points throughout Indonesia," added Prodjo.

Prodjo continued that ASSA also continued to increase the JBA hybrid auction business, which in the first quarter of 2021 increased by 3.77 percent, with expansion adding to the auction hall area. Then for ShareCar which is an independent car rental platform, ASSA continues to increase usage utilization and the number of units provided.

For Caroline, who is a marketplace for buying and selling cars, the sales of used cars will continue to be increased. In terms of the warehouse rental business (e-fulfillment or sharing warehouse), Titipaja has added a new warehouse location in Surabaya so that it is available in 4 locations, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, and Surabaya.

"We hope that these various efforts can continue to develop ASSA's business towards a new economy and contribute to positive performance in all business pillars. For sustainable growth, ASSA will also continue to prioritize the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects by utilizing green energy throughout operational activities of each line of business," concluded Prodjo.

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