JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs for the period 2015-2016 Rizal Ramli urged the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro to leave his position as the number one person on the campus.

The reason is, Ari is known to have held concurrent positions as Vice President Commissioner of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) since 2020.

"Hey, the Chancellor of UI resigns from the Chancellor or Commissioner of BRI," he said via the Twitter page @RamliRizal on Monday, June 28.

Rizal, who is also quite close to the University of Indonesia community, doesn't seem to care about Ari Kuncoro's position on the yellow alma mater campus. He proved this by sticking to the applicable regulations.

"There is a Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) that prohibits it," he continued.

In the VOI search, the policy referred to in Rizal Ramli's upload is the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the University of Indonesia.

In the legal product, Article 35 Point C states that the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor are prohibited from concurrently serving as officials in state/regional or private-owned enterprises.

In addition, in Point E it is also written that the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor are prohibited from concurrently serving as officials in other positions that have conflicts of interest with UI.

To note, the polemic currently being faced by UI officials began when the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) trended a topic on Twitter after posting a satirical meme of President Jokowi.

In the meme uploaded by its official account @BEMUI_Official, BEM UI dubbed President Jokowi as The King of Lip Service aka the king of bragging.

The meme highlights the paradox of Jokowi's statements and attitudes during his tenure so far. The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia is considered to have often sold out sweet promises, but they are not in line with reality. Starting from longing for demonstrations, revising the ITE Law, strengthening the KPK, and a series of other promises.

Instead of getting support, BEM UI was called by the rectorate. The administrators were asked for information and explanations about the memes uploaded on social media.

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