JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir gave his approval to appoint Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Doni Monardo as President Commissioner of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum). The decision is in accordance with the results of the company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) which was held on Thursday, June 10.

“Mr. Doni's role is very important. Especially if you look at his experience, abilities, network, and achievements, there is no doubt," he said in a press statement, Friday, June 11.

According to Erick, the former Head of BNPB/Chairman of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force is a figure with a strong leadership spirit and has extensive knowledge of the environment.

“He prioritizes dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders to solve problems. His concern and work in the field of environmental restoration make Doni a figure needed to maintain a balance between empowerment and environmental sustainability efforts carried out by Inalum and its subsidiaries, "explained Erick.

To note, in addition to Doni Monardo who was appointed as a high-ranking Inalum official, Erick Thohir recently also made a decision to assign the position of President Commissioner of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. to former Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro.

However, the Mahaka boss confirmed that the diversity of leaders from various backgrounds, expertise and experience is needed by BUMN to be able to transform into a world-class professional company.

"All commissioners, directors, and management in BUMN, regardless of background, will undergo an orientation session when they just join with the aim of providing the same understanding and rhythm between fellow officials," he said.

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