JAKARTA - A subsidiary of PT First Media Tbk (KBLV), namely PT Link Net Tbk (LINK) will distribute cash dividends from the 2020 financial year worth IDR 102.7 per share. The value of the dividends distributed reached Rp282.58 billion.

The dividend distribution decision was taken at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of the company owned by the boss of the Lippo conglomerate Mochtar Riady on June 7, 2021. The dividend payout ratio is 30 percent of Link Net's 2020 net profit.

For information, Link Net posted a net profit attributable to the parent entity of Rp.941.7 billion in 2020. This number increased by 5.28 percent compared to the realization of net profit in 2019 which was Rp.894.5 billion.

In LINK's information disclosure on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, quoted on Thursday 10 June, the following is the schedule for the distribution of Link Net's dividends:

- Cum dividend in regular market and negotiation: 15 June 2021

- Ex dividend in regular market and negotiation: 16 June 2021

- Cum dividend on cash market: 17 June 2021

- Ex dividend on cash market: 18 June 2021

- Recording date: June 17, 2021 at 16.15 WIB

- Cash dividend payment: 28 June 2021

On Thursday, June 10 trading, LINK prices ended up 0.45 percent or 20 points to the level of Rp. 4,500 per share.

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