JAKARTA - The traffic flow on the Cikopo 'Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road was observed to be not congested on Monday night or seven days before Lebaran 2025.

The manager of the Cikopo' Palimanan Toll Road, Astra Tol Cipali, reported that the traffic flow on the Cipali Toll Road on Monday night was observed sloping and smooth, both from Jakarta to Cirebon and vice versa.

Sustainability Management & Corporate Communications Department Head of Cipali Toll Road Ardam Rafif Trisilo said, from Monday to 18.00 WIB there were around 21,500 vehicles crossing the Cipali Toll Road from Jakarta to Cirebon.

"There are about 21.5 thousand vehicles crossing Cikopo towards Cirebon, about 10.8 percent lower than the volume of the same time yesterday," Ardam said in his official statement, Monday, March 24.

Then, there are around 15,400 vehicles crossing the Cikopo toll road to Jakarta. This figure is also about 7.8 percent lower than the volume of the same time yesterday.

"We urge road users to always ensure the physical condition and the prime vehicle before driving," he concluded.

Previously, Astra Infra Toll Road predicted that as many as 6.9 million vehicles would pass across all Astra toll roads during the Lebaran 2025 homecoming period.

The number of vehicles increased by 2.0 percent compared to Eid al-Fitr 2024.

"There are 6.9 million vehicles estimated to be going through the Tangerang 'Merak, Cikopo' Palimanan and Jombang' Mojokerto toll road during the Lebaran 2025 period," said Vice President of Operational Policy & Governments Relations Astra Infra Novianto Dwi Wibowo at the Astra Infra Group's Media Gathering event which was monitored online in Jakarta, Thursday, March 13.

In detail, as many as 3.4 million vehicles will cross the Tangerang 'Merak Toll Road, there are 2.3 million vehicles passing through the Cikopo' Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road and 1.2 million vehicles passing on the Jombang 'Mojokerto Toll Road.

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