In order to meet the needs of the community ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah, Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Dyah Roro Esti Widya Putri asked business actors to continue distributing basic commodities in accordance with the provisions.
"The need for basic commodities is relatively increasing ahead of Eid al-Fitr. It is hoped that business actors will not hoard and do not make speculation efforts that can harm the community," said the Deputy Minister of Trade on the sidelines of reviewing market operations at the Bantul Regency Post Office, Yogyakarta Special Region, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, March 22.
According to the Deputy Minister of Trade, so far the provincial and district and city trade offices as well as the National Police Food Task Force have continued to collaborate and synergize in monitoring and supervising the distribution of basic commodities.
"Many parties synergize and continue to provide guidance and supervision to business actors," he said.
The Deputy Minister of Trade said strict sanctions would also be given against violations of statutory provisions in the distribution of basic commodities.
"Both for the suitability of HET (highest retail price), measurements, as well as label or packaging provisions," said Roro.
Market operations through Pos Indonesia have been running since the beginning of Ramadan and provide various basic commodities at affordable prices, such as SPHP, Oilita, sugar, chicken meat, premium rice, buffalo meat and chicken eggs.
In the Ramadan and Idul Fitri market operations, Oilita products are sold at a price of Rp. 14,700 per liter or Rp. 1,000 cheaper than HET. This is the result of a limited coordination meeting between ministries.
His party appreciates the support of business actors consisting of Food SOEs, distributors, and retailers who have helped distribute Oilita and other basic commodities.
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